Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad

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Core Values

TCMH’s Core Values (“TCFIMPeD”) span across seven focal areas, serve as the foundation of the Group’s culture.

My Word, My Bond

The ability to be relied upon by others as being honest, truthful, dependable, reliable and deserving of trust and confidence in actions and behaviors

Do More with Less

The quality of being economical or prudent in savings and lack of wastefulness and being thrifty in spending Company's money.

Always Online

Prioritising the Company's interests.

Stay Focused

Demonstrates constant and earnest efforts to accomplish projects, assignments and tasks.

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Say It Out

Willing to take or seek out risks, bold and willing to explore new ways of doing things.

What's Next

The capability or act of designing or developing something original or unusual and the application of ideas or implementation of something new for the Company.

Never Give Up

Determination and steadfast in continuing with projects, assignments or work despite the challenges, difficulties or obstacles in achieving success.